PHASE IV : THE LOKI ARC ( 43 of 66 )
"Confront them with annihilation
and they will then survive.
Plunge them into a deadly situation and they then live.
When men fall into danger; they are then able to strive for victory."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Border Worlds Carrier Group
Loki VI Debris Field
1650 Hours, 14 Feb 2681 (2681.045)
By now, all the defending fighters and warships had pulled back to the location of the two fleet carriers. The Freedom, though intensely vulnerable now that both her fighters and her escorts had been sent to help with the defensive battle, had been left where she was, several hundred thousand klicks away. Bringing her forward into the teeth of the incoming attack would have been stupid, as would have been splitting their severely depleted resources any further to cover her. Given the situation that they were in, they would just have to hope that she would continue to remain undiscovered until they had beaten off the two attacking groups that were threatening the Valeria and the Littenia. It was a desperate move, to be sure, but these were most certainly desperate times. The Border Worlders now had just over three dozen active fighters left to fight off the two hundred and fifty or so enemy fighters and bombers that were bearing down on them. About half of these were the powerful Retaliator space superiority craft, while most of the rest were Intruder medium fighters, plus a handful of Arrow recon fighters. They also had their Avengers from the Hell Knight Squadron to support the fighter craft, but these would of very limited use in stopping an all out fighter attack. The Avengers would be restricted to acting as last ditch interceptors, trying to shoot down any enemy torpedo bombers that broke past the defending fighters.
Right now, though, all the fighter pilots were doing their best to ensure that
they had enough fuel and weapons to see them through the massive fighter battle
that lay ahead. They had already burnt up almost everything they had gained the
last time they had topped up while trying to delay and attrite the enemy force.
Now, the time they had bought at the cost of hundreds of lives was almost up,
and they had to be ready for the new onslaught.
For that reason, every single one of their refueling and rearming craft was
servicing the fighters as fast as humanly possible, and a heck of a lot faster
than safely regulations in most other nations would have allowed. Even so, there
wasn't time to handle every single fighter. For that reason, the Retaliators had
priority, as the superiority fighters were the best weapons the Border Worlders
had. They would make a big impact in the coming battle, especially as the
Nephilim Devil Rays had virtually been wiped out by the attacks the Border
Worlders had carried out earlier. The refueling craft emptied their tanks and
missile bays to ensure that the fighters would be at their lethal best -- or
worst, depending on how one looked at it -- when the time came.
In the meantime, the Arrows and Intruders had been touching down on the flight
decks of the two carriers, as well as the hanger bays of the cruisers. The
flight deck crews were carrying out what were called "hot turn arounds," pumping
fuel into their tanks and loading on new missiles and decoy dispensers at a
breakneck pace. All the while, the pilots kept their canopies closed and their
engines running, ready to race back into space. As soon as the deck crews were
clear of the fighter, the pilot slammed the throttle wide open, streaking away
and rejoining his or her comrades in standing watch over the warships. That too
was an incredibly risky way of carrying out operations, but taking such risks
was vital if they were going to survive. So far, the Border Worlders had been
able to do it without any major mishaps, perhaps because the pushing the
envelope was routine in the Border Worlds military. Of course, there were many
people who said, with some justification, that the envelope Border Worlders
pushed most often was the one addressed to common sense.
In the meantime, the SWACS and command and control shuttles had now pulled back
several thousand klicks behind the carriers in order to avoid being caught up in
the inevitable fleet battle. They were keeping watch for the approaching enemy
force, as well as helping co-ordinate the operations of the strike group of
Border Worlds fighters and bombers that had gone to engage and destroy the
second Nephilim force. The good news was that this Border Worlds group had
already destroyed its target, and was now on the way back to help in the fleet
battle. The bad news was that even the leading elements, the swift Bearcats and
Banshees that were racing back to help, wouldn't be here for another fifteen or
so minutes.
The Nephilim though, would get there well before that, probably being in
position to begin attacking around 1655 Hours or so. The minutes leading up to
that passed in an even more frantic blur for the Border Worlds fighter pilots,
as they finished their refueling and rearming to get back into position for the
battle. Not all of them had full afterburner tanks or missile loadouts, having
been forced to grab whatever was available in the time that they had. Still,
over half them were fully loaded, and the rest of them ended up with enough to
see them through the battle. They all knew that this upcoming battle, while it
was going to be hard fought and merciless, wasn't going to be protracted.
That was because, one way or the other, this battle would effectively end when
the rest of their fighters got back. Either the three dozen odd fighters that
were covering the warships would hold the attacking tide long enough for their
returning comrades to swing the balance, or the Nephilim would have overwhelmed
the defenders and wiped out the capital ships, shattering the entire Border
Worlds force. In that scenario, all the returning fighters and bombers could do
was turn and run as fast they could. They would have to hope that they could
lose the victorious Nephilim in the debris field, and then hope that their life
support would last long enough for them to reach one of the other groups of the
Combined Fleet.
Both of those hopes would be pretty slim, to say the least. Chances were that
the Freedom wouldn't last long enough to get clear of the debris field either,
even if some of the fighters managed to get to her while miraculously avoiding
leading the Nephilim right to her door. In essence, the survival of the Border
Worlds Navy as an effective fighting force depended on the ten or so minutes of
fighting that would follow the start of the Nephilim attack.
All the defending pilots were well aware of that fact. Ten minutes. Ten minutes
that would determine not only their own survival, but also that of thousands of
their shipmates. All they had to do was to hold on for ten minutes. Ten minutes
of close quarters battle against a foe that outnumbered them by close to seven
to one. Ten minutes of trying to hold out an enemy that had been badly stung
over the past few days, and was now out for their blood.
Piece of cake.
No problem.
The pilots, all of them, were exhausted by the running battles they had fought
for so many hours. They were also scared as hell about what was coming down on
them. And on top of that, they were shaking with the effects of hours of near
constant adrenaline rushes and the overwhelming impact of all they had been
through already. But for all that, they were determined that they would not be
broken now. They had come too far, had done too much, had fought too hard to
fall at this last hurdle. Their story wasn't going to end now.
You want us, you bastards? Then come get us. Bring it on. Let's rock and
roll, motherfuckers. Those were some of the thoughts that raced through the
pilots' minds, along with thoughts of their friends and families and loved ones.
They knew that some of them, maybe most of them, would fall today, but they
wouldn't be broken. Not now, not ever.
The Nephilim pilots were now almost to the point where they would be able to
pick up the Border Worlders on their radar screens. Just before then though, the
Border Worlders did what they had done so many times before in this battle. They
used deception as a weapon, having long ago abandoned any quaint notions that
fairness had a place in warfare. Ideas of fairness and openness in battle were
luxuries for the people and countries that could afford them. The Border
Worlders could not, for the simple reason that they were just about always
outnumbered and outgunned, and would lose any battle that was straightforward
and fair. They played dirty every chance that they got, and because of that they
had come through scrapes that they otherwise would not have.
In this case, they used MOCSS decoys to fool the Nephilim pilots. The MOCSS (or
MObile Capital Ship Simulator) was designed for the purpose of confusing the
hell out of attacking pilots or warship crews by giving them more targets than
they knew what to do with. Each decoy was a mobile cylinder a little larger than
a torpedo, but packed with powerful computers and sensor emitters that could
function across most of the electromagnetic spectrum. They could simulate the
frequencies and sensor patterns used by used by capital ship radars and other
systems. The computers could be programmed to simulate the signatures of most
Confederation and Border Worlds ships. In this case, each decoy was programmed
to simulate one of the carriers, cruisers or destroyers in the Border Worlds
force. In essence, the decoy created an electronic doppelganger of the launching
ship, even showing up as a target box on a fighter's HUD. It wouldn't be
effective once the enemy pilots got into unaided visual range, but until then,
it was very effective in breaking up the cohesion of an enemy attack. With each
of the Border Worlds carriers, cruisers and destroyers releasing several decoys,
the Nephilim pilots were left with more targets than their bombers could engage.
The Nephilim had encountered the use of the MOCSS decoys two days previously,
when they had been used to lure a group of Nephilim warships to their doom. They
must have known, or at least suspected, that the Border Worlders had some way of
mimicking the signatures of their warships. Unless their military intelligence
and information sharing abilities were absolutely abysmal (which seemed unlikely
for creatures that shared a hive mind) they would also have had at least a rough
idea of the total number of ships that the Border Worlders had. They had to have
known that there were simply too many targets for all of them to be real, but
that didn't help them very much. At one time, they might have opted to swamp
each and every one of those targets with torpedoes, but that was no longer an
option. The Border Worlds fighter pilots had simply done too good a job of
grinding down their torpedo bombers over the past few hours. The few torpedo
bombers they had left had to save their weapons for worthwhile targets.
Their task wasn't helped in the least by the intense waves of jamming that they
were now being lashed with as they closed in. The Border Worlders had now
grouped all the Stalkers that had been assigned to help defend the carriers
together, instead of having them working in small units as they had been when
they were supporting the fighters in their running battles. Not only that, but
the capital ships were also lashing out with their own jammers and ECM
equipment. These were mostly defensive jammers, but they complemented the more
invasive jamming from the specialized electronic warfare craft nicely. As a
result, the Nephilim found their radar, communications and targeting
capabilities being massively hampered. Their ability to fight as a cohesive
force had already been degraded by the damage that multiple EMP shocks had done
to their equipment, and it was being broken down even further.
The decoys and the jamming destroyed any chance that the Nephilim might have had
of using their vastly superior numbers in a coordinated attack that would swamp
the defenders. Nor could they start the attack from long range, and descend on
the Border Worlders with an unstoppable momentum. Instead, they were forced to
close in, trying to sort out the true targets from the false. Not only that, but
they couldn't do it as a coordinated group, instead being forced to work as a
mob of individuals. That was what gave the hugely outnumbered human pilots a
fighting chance of holding on.
Now, as the Nephilim pilots closed in as a confused, disorganized swarm, would
have been the perfect time for the Border Worlders to blast the Nephilim with
more weapons of mass destruction. Unfortunately, there were no more of those
weapons left. They had used up their nuclear armed CSMs and their anti-matter
cluster weapons in the two lethal ambushes carried out by the Ghost Warriors.
Their older generation anti-fighter missiles, which had a much longer range than
the new warheads, had been used up in the deadly missile storm unleashed by the
Reapers and the Starkillers. Their maces, Starbursts and Conebursts had been
used in desperate attempts to hold back the attacking tide. They had carefully
set the mines they had, and activated them at the time they would do the most
damage to the Nephilim. They had even sacrificed two of the ships to pull out
some of the teeth of the attacking force. Now the cupboard was bare, and there
were no more rabbits in the hat. Brains and lateral thinking had gotten them
this far, but from this point on, it would all come down to guts and
determination and fighting spirit.
Which wasn't to say, of course, that firepower wouldn't play its part. As
General Erwin Rommel had pointed out in another century, even the bravest
opponent can be broken by artillery. The Border Worlders might not have any of
their special weapons remaining, but they had plenty of the more traditional
kind left. As the Nephilim swooped to within 20,000 klicks of the warships, the
Border Worlds fighter pilots cut loose. The pilots had been ordered to set aside
a third of their missiles for the first salvo, and at the Wing Commander's
order, wave after wave of missiles smashed into the lead ranks of the
disorganized Nephilim force. Fighter after fighter exploded into flame and
debris as the missiles struck home, leaving the already disoriented Nephilim
reeling. They scrambled to try and locate their opponents, but the lack of
effective radar and communications left them literally fumbling in the dark. The
best they could do was to try and follow the missile trails back to the
launching fighters, but the Border Worlders simply danced away from their
outraged opponents. Every time any group of Border Worlds fighters looked in
danger of being caught by a swarm, the SWACS guided the threatened fighters
away, and another squadron of fighters swooped in to attack a different group of
The purpose of such tactics was not to defeat the Nephilim with brute force, as
the Border Worlds had very quickly realized they had no hope of doing that.
Their purpose was to delay, to frustrate, and to keep the Nephilim running
around in circles until the fighters that were racing to assist in defending the
carriers got back. The advantage they had was that while the Border Worlders
knew the help was coming, the Nephilim did not. The jamming, the decoys, and the
missile attacks had already held back the Nephilim for close to five minutes.
Five more minutes, maybe a little more, and the first of the supporting fighters
would be here.
Five more minutes.
The capital ships had lain low while the fighters played their delaying game, as
lashing out with their energy weapons would have very quickly revealed to the
Nephilim which were the true targets and which were the decoys. Instead of
attacking, both the ships and the self-powered decoys had been slowly backing
away from the direction of the threat. They had to do it slowly in order to
avoid outrunning the jamming blanket provided by the Stalkers. The Stalkers in
turn had to position themselves in the right place to both cover the capital
ships and to provide jamming support for the fighters. And the fighter pilots,
of course, had to lure the Nephilim away from the ships without making it too
obvious which direction they were luring them away from. It might look
reasonably straight-forward on paper, but the result in reality was a confused
mass of frantically maneuvering ships, jammers, and fighters, whose crews were
doing their damn best to stick to the game plan and stay in one piece at the
same time.
Four more minutes.
In spite of the Border Worlders' best efforts, the Nephilim, blinded as they
were, were slowly closing in towards the warships. More and more, they were able
to counter the jamming to some degree, and their cohesion was improving. The
pushes they made towards the Border Worlders were becoming more and more
determined and organized, and the Border Worlds fighter pilots were running
themselves ragged trying to head off one group after another. Several of the
Border Worlders had gone down in flames, but for now there was no time to count
losses or to mourn the dead. The need to hold the enemy back, to hold the line,
consumed every bit of the pilots' attention.
Three more minutes
A large group of Morays and Stingrays made the strongest push yet, trying to
bull their way through the Border Worlds line. They ran head on into the
Retaliators from Reaper and Starkiller squadrons, and suffered accordingly. The
Retaliators were fearsomely armed, packing a total of eight cannons and eighteen
missiles apiece, and their pilots had a well-earned reputation as the best in
the Union. With their radars and communication still shaky, very few of the
lightly shielded Morays and Stingrays survived the crushing gauntlet of
concentrated firepower. Their attack though, had kept the Retaliators busy long
enough for pushes in other sectors to break through. The Border Worlders fell
back as fast as they could, reestablishing their defensive line, but now harder
pressed than ever. They were now only holding the Nephilim fighters a few
thousand klicks from their ships, just out of visual range.
Two more minutes.
It was now that fortune played a cruel hand. Until now, luck had favored the
Border Worlders, but all that changed in a matter of seconds. Maybe Lady Luck
was as fickle a bitch as some said she was, or maybe she just believed in
calling in her debts. Whatever the reasons, the results dramatically shifted the
course of the battle. A Manta's plasma guns took out the Stalker whose jamming
had been shielding the Littenia. At almost the same instant, another
group of Nephilim fighters swooped close enough to the Littenia to detect
her visually. Before another Stalker could jam their communications, they had
sent that information to their comrades. The message didn't get through to all
the Nephilim fighters or even most of them, as they were still being jammed by
other craft, but it got through to enough of them. They shifted their course to
converge on the Littenia. That move attracted the attention of other
Nephilim, and that in turn attracted the attention of more. Slowly at first, but
an implacably building momentum, they shifted their attack to the carrier.
One more minute.
The Border Worlders realized the game was up, and they threw themselves into the
struggle with a renewed ferocity. The capital ships now all opened up with their
energy guns, tearing into the Nephilim with waves of laser, antimatter and
plasma cannon fire at near point blank range. They hoped to draw at least some
of the Nephilim away from the Littenia, but their opponents were too
intent on their first target. The Border Worlds pilots tried desperately to hold
the attackers back, but there were just too many of them now, and their attack
had too much momentum. The Border Worlds pilots were held at bay for a few
seconds, and that was long enough. The remaining Manta bombers loosed their
torpedoes at the Littenia in a wave of destruction, close to two dozen
warheads in all.
Due to the way the bombers and the carrier had been positioned relative to each
other when the torpedoes had been fired, close to half of the torpedoes were
coming in from her starboard beam, with single warheads coming in from multiple
other vectors. The Littenia was rotating away as fast as he should, but
it was obvious that she couldn't evade the torpedoes coming in from starboard
without running smack into several others. The Captain of the aptly named
destroyer Courage, which had been shepherding the Littenia, made a
split second decision. He rotated his ship right into the path of the torpedoes.
That decision cost the lives of the hundreds of men and women aboard the
destroyer, but it saved the lives of thousands on the Littenia. The
hurtling debris from the destroyer's death wrecked the torpedoes that had
narrowly missed hitting the hull itself.
Even as the Courage vanished in a ball of fire and metal debris, the
Littenia was lashing out with her laser and stormfire point defense guns.
The defenses downed several of the warheads, and the fighter pilots got most of
the rest, but three of the warheads slammed into the carrier. The only saving
grace was that they came into from different angles, spreading out their
destructive force, and sparing the ship from immediate annihilation. Even so,
the damage they did was horrific. Two hit the ship on the bow and amidships
portside respectively, ripping huge gashes in the hull and killing hundreds
instantly. The other blasted into the engines, crippling the ship and dropping
her speed to a third. The ship was still in once piece, but was now massively
vulnerable. Even though the Nephilim had used up their torpedoes, they still had
guns and missiles aplenty.
Zero hour. The Bearcats and Banshees were just now reaching the battle zone.
Like rugby forwards racing to prop up a faltering maul, they threw their weight
into the faltering defense. All of the pilots, enraged by seeing hundreds of
their friends die before their eyes, threw themselves back into the battle with
a fury that was stunning to behold. They had taken huge risks before, but those
were nothing compared to what they did now to keep the enemy away from the
crippled carrier. The sheer ferocity of the counter-attack managed to hold the
Nephilim back for just over a minute longer, but that was just long enough.
Now the slightly slower Excaliburs and Intruders were back, adding their own
firepower and fury to the battle. Their pilots too fought like demons, sickened
and angered by the fact that they had arrived back just a little too late. And
with them came the Stalkers that had been with the strike group. Their jamming
reinforced and augmented that of their fellows, once more dropping a veil over
the eyes of the Nephilim pilots. The Nephilim were now, against all odds,
actually being forced back. They rallied and held scant minutes later, but by
then, the stragglers of the strike group were back. The two forces stood
toe-to-toe, equally matched now, and neither willing to give an inch.
Stalemate. The fighters swooped and darted and slashed at each other, but
neither side would give way. They stayed like that for several minutes, and it
seemed to some that they might well remain that way for all eternity. In the end
though, it was the Nephilim who broke and fled back into the debris field.
Perhaps they realized that with most of the their fuel and missiles gone, no
torpedoes left, all their capital ships destroyed and most of their comrades
dead, they couldn't win now. Maybe they had finally gotten the word that their
carriers were being gang raped by the rest of the Combined Fleet. Whatever the
reason, they fell back. The Border Worlders, to their astonishment, realized
that they had done it, survived drawing the attack of three super-carriers down
on themselves. That knowledge though, was tempered by the knowledge that
hundreds of their crewmates were dead, and that their troubles were far from
Bridge, BWS Littenia
Loki VI Debris Field
1725 Hours, 14 Feb 2681 (2681.045)
She's not alive. She's not a person. She's not really hurting.
Captain Richard Hughes kept repeating those words to himself over and over
again, but they didn't help. Against all logic, every carrier skipper somewhere
deep down thought of his proud ship as something alive and sentient. Something
special. It was hard for any skipper to watch his ship dying before his very
eyes, and that was what was happening to the Littenia right now. The
torpedoes hadn't destroyed her outright, but the wounds they had inflicted had
been mortal.
He glanced up as the final damage report came up from the engineering section,
hoping that this one would be different from the two before it. But the laws of
physics aren't subject to the wishes of men. Those of the Littenia's
engines that hadn't been shredded by the torpedo blast had been severely
damaged, and were now failing fast. Most of the reactors had shut down to
prevent radiation leakage, although there were a heck of a lot of people who
would still need intensive radiation treatment. The reactor shut down meant that
power levels were critical throughout the ship. They were dropping even further
as the efficiency of the remaining reactors was degraded by the strain they were
being put under. The bottom line was that nothing short of a space-dock repair
job would restore the Littenia's ability to fight. The best they could
hope for was enough power to get them out of the debris field and to the nearest
jump point, and even that was a very long shot.
That wasn't the extent of her problems though, not even close. Entire decks had
been blown open to space, killing everyone who had been unfortunate enough to be
there at the time. Many of her weapon turrets had been wrecked, along with most
of her heavy weapons. They had in fact been very lucky that none of their CSM
and torpedo launchers had weapons loaded when the enemy torpedo struck their
forward section. The secondary effects of the torpedo impacts had also started
raging fires that had killed dozens of people and injured many more. Their fire
fighting capabilities were being severely hampered by the lack of power. The
fire crews estimated that they had at best a 50/50 chance of containing the
fires before they reached the ship's ammunition magazines, triggering an
explosion that would rip the ship in two.
That brought the Captain to the crux of his dilemma. He could either keep his
crew on board to fight the fires and try to restore the ship. Or he could order
the crew to evacuate, abandoning the carrier in the debris field. All of his
emotions told him to stay and fight for the ship, but the cold hard logic of his
training and experience argued otherwise. The simple fact was that the
Littenia, even if by some miracle he got the fires under control, got her
moving, got her out of the debris field and to the jump point, would not be in
fighting shape for months. By then, the battle to hold the line, the battle on
which the Union's survival depended, would be long over.
To win that battle, the Union had to preserve as many of its resources and its
people as it could. Staying to try and fight for the ship would not only
endanger his crew, but the crews of all the other ships as well. The rest of the
battle group would have to stay right here to cover them, and that would leave
them vulnerable if the Nephilim regrouped and came back at them in force. Not
only that, even if they did get away from here, the need to protect a crippled
ship would severely hamper their ability to maneuver and fight effectively. The
simple fact was that the Littenia was no longer an asset to the Union's
ability to survive. The most that he could do was prevent his beautiful ship
from becoming a liability to her people and to her nation. It was a wrenching
decision to make, but the brutal reality of total war demanded such choices.
He turned to the Comm Officer, forcing himself to give the order to evacuate.
The words tasted like ashes in his mouth, but he knew it was the right decision.
As the Comm Officer acknowledged and turned back to his console, the Captain
once again returned his attention to the damage control effort. His job now was
to hold the ship together long enough for the crew to abandon her. That in
itself would take time to carry out. The wounded had already been airlifted to
the other ships by shuttles, as had the engineering crews that needed radiation
treatments, but there were still a heck of a lot of people to get off the ship.
Those who could reach the flight deck safely would be shuttled off, while
destroyers that would be docking alongside would take others off. The remaining
crew would have to use the escape pods. They would then be scooped up by the
shuttles, or tractored aboard the destroyers.
The evacuation effort took the better part of an hour and a half. The bridge
crew and the fire crews stayed aboard until the last possible minute, and
Captain Hughes was the last to leave. Other skippers might have chosen to go
down with the ship, but Union training was too pragmatic for that. They had to
preserve all their people because they had far too few to begin. Besides, he
knew that if he had given in to the temptation, his dead crewmates would have
tracked him down in the afterlife and kicked his butt to Hades and back. It was
one thing to die fighting the good fight, and another to die needlessly.
Survive. Keep fighting. And make the bastards pay in blood. Make them wish they
had never even heard of the Union. Those were the things that mattered.
Once the last of the crew were safely away, a pre-programmed timer in the ship's
computer ran out. The timer didn't activate a self-destruct, nothing as dramatic
as that. One of the few advantages to being the poorest nation around was you
didn't have to worry about others stealing your secrets. Instead, the computer
shut down all the shields and magnetic screens, before opening every hatch and
blast door, venting the entire ship to space. The fires, starved of oxygen,
quickly burned out. The Littenia was left an airless, drifting derelict
as the rest of the Border Worlds group faded into the debris field. If the
Nephilim didn't find her and blow her up out of spite, and if the Union made it
through this war, perhaps she could be salvaged as the TCS Lexington had
been after the Battle of Terra. Both of those were mighty big ifs, though.
Medical Bay, BWS Valeria
1800 Hours, 14 Feb 2681 (2681.045)
The Valeria's medical staff had worked hard to make sure that the medical bay
was first and foremost a place of healing, rather than simply a place where
medicine was performed. It was a place where the wounds of war, both the
physical and mental, the visible and the hidden, could be tended in an
atmosphere that best allowed the patient to recover, rather than simply best
allowed the medical staff to work. That was due to the understanding, first
espoused by the ancient healers and lost for a millennium before being
rediscovered in the twentieth century, that medicine was at its best when it
treated the person rather than the complaint, treated all that was wrong with
him or her rather than simply looking at the presenting disease or injury. The
medical bay was meant to be a sanctuary, a refuge from the harsh realities of a
ship dedicated to war and to destruction. Most of the time, it was the one place
in the incredibly busy and noisy ship where peace and quiet reigned, allowing
the ill and injured to recover undisturbed.
Today, it wasn't such a place.
The sheer volume of injured pouring into the medical bay made such holistic
concerns irrelevant, not to mention impossible. Today, there was only enough
time to perform the most critical, the most urgent medical procedures as fast as
possible, on as many people as possible. The bay was packed with horribly
injured young men and women, so many that they took up every available bed and
operating table, but that was nowhere near enough room. Some ended up on the
floor, while the walking wounded spilled over into the corridors. There was just
enough room for the doctors and nurses and orderlies to go about their work, as
they rushed from one crisis to another.
The noise too was incredible. Shouted orders from surgeons and head nurses were
followed by quick, harried replies from their subordinates, who were trying to
do their best in an impossible situation. Doctors called for whole blood, for
plasma, for drugs and for radiation treatments, for crash carts, and all too
often for body bags. All around them, some of the wounded who were still waiting
to be seen to moaned or whimpered in pain, while others screamed in agony for
pain relief or for God or for their mothers. Despite soundproof doors and walls,
the noise washed around the bay, because it was coming from each and every
single compartment.
To the outsider, the scene in the medical bay might have seemed chaotic,
uncontrolled, a scene of confusion and panic, but such was not the case. Just as
the seeming chaos of the flight decks above was a carefully choreographed dance
of men and machines, so was what was happening here. There was an order to the
events which ensured that as many lives would be saved as possible, and the
wounded would suffer no longer than was necessary. Each and every man and woman
had their own role to play, and the heads of departments and other senior staff
kept the whole thing flowing, doing their best to stay ahead of the tide of
people being brought in all the time.
Dr. Gareth Wagstall, the Valeria's chief medical officer, was the one in charge
of this madhouse. As much as he would have liked to plunge in, doing the surgery
himself as he did at quieter times, he couldn't give into the temptation. He
could save more lives by making sure that whole team was pulling together and
working as smoothly as possible than he could by getting buried in the task of
saving one patient at a time. It was a hard decision to make, but over three
decades of frontier medicine had forced him to make such choices over and over
again. For that reason, he went from one site to another, overseeing and
directing his more junior colleagues.
Right now, he was in the triage section in the outer areas of the medical bay.
The most junior medical staff, the interns and the house surgeons, did this job,
as the experience and skill of the registrars and consultants was far more
urgently needed elsewhere. Dr. Wagstall was looking over the shoulder of one the
interns, a girl who was in her first year out of medical school. Not yet a fully
qualified doctor, and she was already doing one of the most heart wrenching jobs
a doctor would ever be faced with. In normal times, in saner times, triage was
simply a preliminary assessment of the patient's condition, an evaluation of how
long they could wait till they were treated. Here and now though, it was far
more basic, and far more brutal. The injured were separated into three
categories, identified by the green, yellow, and red tags which the young woman
slapped on them. Those with green tags had non life threatening injuries, and
for now would receive nothing except pain relief, when and where it was
available. They would be dealt with once the flow of critical cases had abated.
Those with yellow tags had injuries that needed the attention of the medical
staff as soon as possible. Those patients with the red tags had critical
injuries that couldn't be realistically treated with the time and resources
available. They would get pain relief at once, but no other treatment. They were
the lost causes, given up so that others who had a better chance at life could
get treatment. Looking closely at the intern, the doctor could see the agony in
her eyes every time that she stuck a red tag on a patient, but she never
flinched away from doing it. She was doing her job because it was all that she
could do, and because it was what had to be done. He knew she would keep doing
it, no matter how much it might tear her up inside.
The doctor moved on, this time to the section dealing with the burns cases. This
was one of the busiest sections of all, dealing with those who had been severely
burnt by the fires on board the Littenia. It was also one of the most gut
wrenching sights in a bay that was filled with them. The wounded, many with
faces and limbs and torsos that were completely charred and blackened, tossed
and turned in their beds in sheer agony. The amount of skin burnt meant that the
mere touch of the sheets below them sent constant jolts of pain arcing through
their bodies. For all the advances in medical treatments over the centuries, the
basic protocols for treating burns had remained much the same. Give plasma and
electrolytes to prevent shock, painkillers to easy the agony, antibiotics to
stop infection from gaining a foothold. Stabilize the patient, and plan the skin
grafts and reconstructive surgery if and when he pulls through. The doctors and
nurses were doing that with skill and efficiency, but they were barely keeping
ahead. Doctor Wagstall gave a few instructions to expedite matters, but he could
see they were coping as well as possible.
Preparing to move on to the next section, Doctor Wagstall paused for just a
second, his attention caught by a young woman lying in one of the beds. Some
quirk of fate had left her face untouched while the skin had been charred off
her body from the neck down. She looked even younger than the girl who was
breaking her own heart by choosing which people lived or died, looked young
enough to be the Doctor's own daughter. She looked far too young to be here.
Heavily sedated, her face was calm, peaceful, reposed. She had a particularly
innocent, harmless look about her, with the face of an angel. An angel who had
fallen to earth, an angel with broken wings. The Doctor shook his head, already
moving on to the next site. There were many more jobs to be done, and many more
fallen angels to tend to.
Flight Deck, BWS Valeria
1825 Hours, 14 Feb 2681 (2681.045)
The flight deck was just about bursting at the seems, trying to handle
recovering the Littenia's fighter craft as well as the Valeria's
own fighters and bombers. Thankfully, the Freedom was taking some of the
load, as were the battle group's cruiser and destroyer escorts. Even so, it was
a monumental task, and one that had kept both the flight deck crews and the
flight wing's senior officers running to keep up.
The task would have been a difficult one at the best of times, but it was
especially difficult now, in the aftermath of the fleet battle. A lot of people
were landing on a carrier that wasn't their own. The pilots were exhausted, and
in some cases wounded. Their fighters had varying degrees of damage, in a couple
of cases being so bad that the pilots had been ordered to eject rather than risk
a pile up on landing. Even so, there were still fighters circling that were so
badly damaged that it was touch and go whether they would get down safely. Those
fighters had been ordered to hold off until the rest of the wing was down
safely, for the fear that they would crash-land and block a landing ramp.
Those fighters had been circling a lot longer than anyone had thought they would
have to. It had taken even the relatively undamaged fighters much longer to get
down safely because of the state their pilots had been in. The strain of well
over half a dozen hours of flying through the debris field and fighting a
running battle had left most literally shaking with weariness. Quite a few of
them had missed what should been simple approaches, overshooting and exiting
through the other end of the landing bay before returning to try again. After
the first couple of those, everyone on the deck was offering fervent prayers of
gratitude to the man who had decided to design the Arcadia-class carriers with a
fly-through landing bay.
Thanks to that feature, there had been no fatalities from the overshoots, though
one Intruder had been written off after its landing gear had collapsed when it
had finally touched down. The pilot had been pulled out alive but unconscious,
and the wrecked fighter had ended up being pushed over the side to clear the
landing ramp. There had also been a couple more damaged on landing, but by about
1835 Hours, the bulk of the fighters were down.
Now it was the turn of the damaged fighters that had been held back till now,
and they angled in one by one. These too had the inevitable missed landings and
overshoots, but one by one, they were caught and stored away in the hangers.
There were two more crash landings, but by a small miracle, no large-scale fire
or explosions that threatened to hold up landing operations any further. Of the
two pilots who had piled up, one was retrieved alive and rushed off to the
medical bay. Several others, who had sustained injuries of one sort or another,
ranging from busted limbs to smoke inhalation, ended up heading for the sickbay
as well. Finally, just before 1900 Hours, all the landing operations had been
wrapped up.
Raptor turned away from where he had been observing the landing operations from
LCO's station. He was still in his flight gear, having been one of the pilots
bringing in his fighter not so long ago. Now that all of his pilots were safely
down (well, they were all down, he corrected himself), there was still a ton of
work that needed to be done before he could even think about the rest his body
so desperately screamed for.
At least I won't have to worry about finding them bunks or parking spaces, he
thought with a touch of gallows humor, referring to the pilots who had come over
from the Littenia. The Border Worlders had lost close to fifty fighters
in the battle today, either destroyed outright or so badly damaged they would
have to be scrapped, bringing the total number lost in the Tiger Hunt to almost
eighty. That was close to 40 percent of the 200 odd combat craft they had
started the Tiger Hunt with. They had also lost almost 50 pilots, over half in
today's battle alone. There would indeed be no shortage of beds or hanger slots,
but there were a lot of other problems to deal with.
For one thing, there was the matter of trying to integrate what previously been
two separate flight wings into one unit. With many squadrons having been
severely hurt by the diversionary action that they had been fighting over the
past few days, it made sense to integrate under-strength squadrons from the two
wings that flew the same type of craft into full strength units. That was made
more critical by the fact that there were many senior pilots among the fallen.
The highest ranking casualty had been Colonel Walther "Howler" Travis, the
Littenia's Wing Commander, but they had also lost squadron leaders, XOs, and
flight leaders. The command style in the Union, which was based more on respect
that had to be earned than on deference automatically granted to rank, meant
that the senior pilots were expected to lead from the front. That system did
have its advantages, but the drawback was that the casualty rate among those
officers was often higher than in other militaries. Integrating the units would
bring in officers to fill the vacant command slots.
The other problem was fuel and ammunition, which were running low. They had
burnt through almost all their ready stocks in the fleet battle today. The crews
were even now readying the supplies from the transports, but those wouldn't last
them anywhere near long enough if they had to fight another pitched battle. They
had escaped the all out fleet attack, that was true, but there was every chance
that the Nephilim would return to finish the job. By now, they would have
figured out that the Border Worlders had suckered them, drawing their fighters
into attacking while the rest of the Combined Fleet gang banged the Nephilim
mother ships. While the rational thing for the Nephilim to do might be to
withdraw and lick their wounds, it was foolish indeed to count on rationality in
warfare. The Border Worlders had to be ready for another all out attack. If the
furious Nephilim wanted to strike back, the Valkyries were the most obvious
target, especially after all the losses they had taken already. And if the
Nephilim threw everything they had left at the Border Worlders, there was every
chance they wouldn't be lucky enough to escape the second attack.
Raptor smiled tiredly at that thought. Well, whatever happens, no one can say
we didn't do our job. The Border Worlders had taken one hell of a hammering
today. In addition to the fifty fighters that had gone down, they had lost the
transport Haratos City, the heavy cruiser Ravager, the destroyer
Courage, and of course the Littenia. In exchange for that though,
they had taken down two Nephilim heavy cruisers, about a dozen destroyers and
corvettes, and somewhere between 300 and 500 enemy fighters. The kill count was
so vague both because of the weapons the Border Worlders had used in the battle
(widespread use of nuclear warheads and antimatter weapons tended to make
counting kills a little difficult) and the cluster technology used by the
Nephilim, which confused the picture even further. Intell was still trying to
come up with a definitive estimate, but the likely result would most probably be
half way between the two extremes.
If one were simply comparing head to head losses, though, the Border Worlders
would probably have ended up on the wrong side of the ledger. For all the losses
they had inflicted on the Nephilim, the loss of the Littenia would hurt
them far worse than the loss of the entire capital ship squadron would hurt the
Nephilim. Their real success had come in drawing off the enemy fighter cover at
the right time. Reports from the rest of the fleet were still sketchy, but TCS
Yorktown had already reported that her pilots had been able to destroy
the dreadnought they had gone after with minimal losses. Similarly, the
Endeavour crew had reported they had been able to destroy a Nephilim
supercarrier. From the initial reports, the Tiger Hunt had succeeded in its
goals. Those successes wouldn't in any way mitigate the loss of those who had
died aboard the Littenia, or ease the pain of the survivors, but they did
show that all the suffering and sacrifice hadn't been for nothing.
We did our job, Raptor repeated to himself mentally, the words in some small way a
shield against the pain and guilt he felt, that all those who had come through
the experience felt. Not just survivor's guilt, though that was certainly a big
part of it, but also the thought that they could have done more. No matter how
well they had planned, no matter how hard they had fought, there was always that
nagging feeling that there had to been something somewhere that they could have
done to prevent the loss of the Littenia.
He shook his head slightly, shaking himself out of the melancholy that he knew
would come on if he dwelt on that thought too long. There would be plenty of
time for a pity party later. For now, they had to focus on staying alive. For
him, that meant doing all the things he still had waiting to be done. However
tired or depressed he might be feeling, he still had a job to do. I have
promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep...