End of the Spiral
few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."
- Henry V - Act IV, Scene iii
Carrier Battle Group Auriga, CVBG-A
TCS Hades;
Ready Room
18th FEB 2681/2681.049; 0431 Hours (CST)
He was sitting in front of the screen. Why he had come here he had no clear
remembrance. He knew it was there yet he could not quite put his finger on
it. By using a combination of keys on the keyboard he brought up an access
mask on the screen. It was one that could not possibly been gained access to
via any of the on-screen menus, but only by pressing that certain
combination and order of keys. Only a selected few knew this combination.
Squadron commanders did not belong to them. Without second thought he typed
in the clearance code. He did not know where he got it from. Apparently he
knew more than he was aware of. After successful login he moved around in
the system. Unerring. Going straight for the sought data. Faster than any
man, any ordinary man, could hope to remember let alone read, he scanned
through the information. There was no need to remember, understand or know
about for him. The data were forwarded right away. He was tapped into their
collective self.
Suddenly he heard something. His senses were heightened like they had never
been. For he had refined senses before. Sharper, more precise and more
sensitive as he had come from a long, very long line of samurais. He had
been brought up the old ways. Some of his senses had been superior to even
those of a Kilrathi. Now they were beyond that even. With unconcerned
composure he accessed another file and skimmed through it. Then without
haste he properly logged out. A combination of keys on the board and the
screen returned to the standard configuration.
"What are you doing here this time of the day?"
It was their "brainpower" individual, called intelligence officer, that went
by the name of Ethan Coliver. Yet it did not seem to possess any mental
power. When he reached out -- there was nothing. Nothing to read. Nothing to
It was then that he was released purposely. Blinking both eyes and shaking
his head almost unnoticeably he turned around calmly and stared at
Lieutenant Commander Coliver.
"I asked what are you doing here?" Coliver repeated.
"I .. I just .. ahm .. don't know," was the honest answer, but his opposite
did not wholly buy it.
"Guess I couldn't sleep so I started wandering around. What are you doing
here?" he returned the question.
"Do you want to start playing games, Major?" the Lieutenant Commander
retorted with an undertone that was hard to tell.
"Do you thing this is a game?" A short pause. "Think again!" With that the
Major left.
He was very confident that he would indeed outwit them. That Coliver
individual, however clever it may think it was. A single intellect. How much
information could it possibly gather -- access, manage and process. Not
enough. If he knew pity he would have been sorry for it/him. That his like
had advanced so far after all -- single those -- always on their own,
impeding, fighting and killing each other even -- was beyond his
understanding. Yet he did not strive for understanding. He sought to
Coliver -- left standing -- contemplatively watched the screen. His right hand
moved over his chin, causing some faint noises at the one-day stubble beard.
Then some moments later he leaned over the keyboard for close examination.
About one minute later a crumbled sleepy face puzzled. "Ethan? What the…?"
"I need you to follow up on something for me. NOW!"
TCS Hades; Wing Commander's Office
18th FEB 2681/2681.049; 1231 Hours (CST)
Colonel Samuel "Sirdar" Richard, the newly appointed Wing Commander of the
71st TFW, which in about 6 hours would basically be the 188th TFW, pored
over the after-action reports from CVBG-A’s participation in their
successful cooperation with CVEBG-A and CVBG-R in destroying a Tiamat
dreadnought and her associated battle group.
Sirdar had felt a pang of selfish guilt the moment he realized he had
unconsciously gone straight to the casualty report of his old squadron, the
Steel Gunners. I am no longer their squadron commander, he had to tell
himself. Their lives were still his responsibility, but not his immediate
one: the lives of all the pilots in the Wing were his responsibility now,
but his primary responsibility wasn’t keeping the pilots of the ‘Gunners or
any of the 188th alive, but the completion of the assigned mission tasking --
preferably with minimal casualties.
You couldn’t help but send men and women to their death in battle, and he
couldn’t try to favor his old squadron in doing so. Not many had perished
in helping the Air Wings of the Rapier and Endeavour -- and again, Richards
felt another small pang of guilt for treating his own pilots’ lives more
highly than those of other carriers’.
And the reason for their own good fortune? Partly because they were
assisting the action rather than bearing the brunt of the fighting, and
partly perhaps because as the size of two forces increases the casualty
ratios actually drop. A larger percentage of pilots will be shot down in a 4
v 4 dogfight, on average, than when two squadrons of 16 aircraft meet, and
even fewer, percentage wise, will perish when forces of Wing size clash,
even though the number of casualties will be higher. The fog of war, the
sheer numbers and confusion -- make it harder to score kills and easier to
escape. Situational Awareness. Add to this the fact that the curve plotting
likelihood of getting shot down drops almost vertically to a flat, low level
after the first few combat missions and the small number of KIA and MIA
became understandable. Small, but significant, as even those small few were
a large blow to the already diminished 71st Tactical Fighter Wing.
Still, those losses were somewhat offset by the fact that the Murphy-class
destroyer TCS Stasheff had been loaned back from CVBG-R, along with its
9-strong squadron of Tigersharks, as payment in kind for services rendered.
All in all, not a bad deal, Sirdar thought, then felt another pang of guilt
as he realized he was talking about people’s lives. Maybe that’s why Trebek
is such a hard-faced bitch -- she has to be to do this bloody job.
Sirdar knew they’d need every one of those extra fighters if the rumor of
what they were up against was true…
Aboard TCS
Stasheff; CIC
February 18th, 2681/2681.049; 1805 Hours (CST)
Lieutenant Commander Donovan Keyes looked at the tactical display shown on
the large plotting board’, showing his destroyer’s position within Carrier
Battle Group Auriga. The Murphy-class destroyer had been detached a matter of
hours ago, her complement of Tigersharks having been recovered, re-equipped,
and respotted for launch.
Looking around through the bridge viewport, he could make out clearly the
TCS Nagato, the powerful remaining Plunkett-class cruiser in Battle
Auriga. He could make out the Murphy-class destroyer Ohlander, a sister ship
to the Stasheff.
Because Stasheff was directly "above" them ("up" and "down" being
relative and meaningless terms in a freefall environment), Keyes couldn’t make out the
mainstays of the force, the stealth strike cruiser Hades and the Kilrathi
Fralthi-II-class cruiser Shrak’har. Bringing up the rear, as a guard, was
the Border Worlds’ modified Caernaven-class frigate Condor, which also could
not be seen due to her position.
“Sir, there’s a transmission coming in... you’re needed in the comm center for
a briefing,” the portside speaker called.
“Very well. Lieutenant Anderson, you have the conn. I’ll be in
communications,” Keyes said.
He walked through the cramped corridors, passing crewmen and what few pilots
were wandering around, rather that waiting near the launch bay.
He quickly entered the communications center. The officer nodded and keyed
the transmission.
Looking around the ship, he couldn’t help but feel that he was an
interloper, somehow. Commander Peploe had built the unit that was the crew
of this ship, not him.
Somehow, though, nature or fate or destiny or whatever you wanted to call it
always had a way of jumping up and biting you in the ass or kissing you when
you least expected it.
Commander Peploe, after all she’d been through, hadn’t made it to
participating in the final chapter (hopefully) of this fight. Upon entry to
Nifelheim, she had vomited blood after complaining of stomach pains, taking
only mild painkillers and stomach-settling medicines, thinking it was
something she’d eaten.
She had been wrong.
Bleeding ulcers, was what the ship’s corpsman had said. He was a reservist,
who, before he’d been called for a tour of active duty on the Stasheff, had
been a surgeon at a renowned hospital in Venice System. He knew what he was
talking about, and within two hours, Peploe had been transferred to Avernus
Station, confined to the medical bay there… despite her protests.
He, Lieutenant Commander Donovan Keyes, had been thrust into the hot seat.
Now he had to deal with the bugs, keep the ship in one piece, and work as
part of the unit this ship had originally been assigned to. What’s more, he
had to do it well.
He was startled back to life by the words, “Lieutenant Commander Keyes, are
you with us?”
That was Catharx, the Kilrathi commanding Carrier Battle Group Auriga, his
voice low and rumbling, menacing, ominous, yet somehow comforting. You
definitely wanted him on your side, and if he wasn’t, then you damned well
had to respect his abilities.
"Aye sir. I’m here,” Keyes replied.
Aboard TCS
Flight Deck
About the same time
Captain Brendan "Ranger" Whitlam looked across the hangar bay to the second
catapult, where his wingman, Second Lieutenant Don "Donny" Wohl, sat waiting
in his own fighter for the call to launch. The Vipers and Perseus COs had
settled the dispute as to who should be the alert squadron the old-fashioned
way: They’d flipped a coin. Perseus had won, and as a result, all of their
fighters were spotted for launch before those of the Vipers. Each squadron,
which had originally only been an eight or nine-fighter formation, had been
reduced to five members. Luckily the two squadrons flew the same fighter,
making maintenance much simpler if parts and armaments were needed for
repairs or equipping.
So now they sat, waiting for anything.
“Lead, this is Two,” came Wohl’s voice.
“Go ahead, Two,” Whitlam replied.
“Any idea what’s going on now, skipper?” came the expected question.
“Yes, I do, and so do you, Two. You heard the briefing we got,” Whitlam
“No, no skipper. That’s not what I meant. I meant now,” came the voice.
“I suspect that there are briefings and the like taking place in the command
staff. Our role in this upcoming strike is probably being determined,”
Whitlam said.
“And we’re stuck down here, unable to give our opinion on things? Aw man
this sucks -- ” Wohl said.
“Don, when did you start whining?” Whitlam asked coldly.
“Err… what?” Wohl’s voice came back, falteringly.
“You’re griping, Don. When did you start?” Whitlam said.
“How about the day he was born?” came one renegade voice.
Laughter erupted over the squadron frequency. Wohl had always been the
upbeat one in the squadron, never faltering despite the tasks asked. “I
figure we’re the best pilots in the group. ‘Of whom much is given, much is
expected.’ So I figure we’re the best, if they keep throwing impossible
tasks at us. That, and I saw the Yorktown get torpedoed…” came the
completely serious response.
During it’s first part, the laughter flared up, but when Don commented that
the carrier had been hit, and that they had all seen it… the laughter faded
quickly and efficiently, as if a tap had been turned off.
TCS Hades;
Ops Planning Area
1754 Hours (CST)
Ronin had been summoned to a council of war before the main briefing that
was due to take place at 1830 Hours. The meeting had been called by the
commanders of the battle groups that had successfully collaborated in the
destruction of the Tiamat that morning. Plans had been made to have the
command staff and senior flight personnel of all three groups convene
holographically but when Nawazaki arrived he immediately knew something was
Like most of the other CVBG-A pilots he had tried to get some sleep while he
could, but his rest had been fitful and uneasy, racked with nightmares where
the ghost of Voodoo tried to warn him of something but try as he might, he
couldn’t understand the words. After grabbing a quick shower and a foul cup
of strong instant coffee he had hurried straight to the meeting and thus had
no inkling of what was going on.
“What’s happening?” he asked. The reluctant reply was forestalled by
Sirdar’s wheelchair rolling up to the dais.
“I’m sure all of you were expecting to see the Yorktown and Endeavour
here,” Sirdar’s tone was somber, “but all has not gone according to plan.
Endeavour engaged and managed to destroy a Leviathan supercarrier, but the
Endeavour herself was lost in doing so. The Yorktown group went to her aid
and is currently rescuing survivors and mopping up Bug stragglers. This
means we’re on our own.
“CVLBG-A did however manage to send us some sensor data,” the viewscreen
behind him flickered into life, showing a diagram of the Nifelheim system
with a flashing red blob moving their way, “showing this battle group
approaching. It’s a Kraken -- a shipkiller -- and it’s heading straight for
TCS Hades; Flight Wing Briefing Room
1831 Hours (CST)
The Space Force pilots were gathered for the first official briefing of CVBG-A's
new 188th FW, consolidated as one single flight wing from the entirety of
the now-disbanded 71st FW and the Vampire "Dark Brood" Squadron the
Hades brought along. Colonel Samuel "Sirdar" Richard, whose first briefing as the
Wing Commander it would be, hovered in his wheelchair just left of the
podium's desk. Present on the podium next to him were Lt. Commander Ethan
Coliver, Marjakh nar Vukar Tag (the Kilrathi equivalent of a senior
intelligence officer, yet unknown to most currently present), and last was
Lt. Colonel Antonio Caviedes, CO of the 117th Marine Assault Detachment, the
fifty-man platoon stationed aboard the Hades. Yet first before them all was
standing -- clad in a mesh of plated body armor, chainmail, a
ceremonial-looking cloak, and various body piercings with gold rings, the
very picture of a Kilrathi noble -- Catharx.
Catharx had set the proclaimed changes of just a couple days ago effective
immediately. That had meant for a hectic, loud and chaotic night of
reorganization for just about everyone from officers to engineers. The
Kilrathi CO had come aboard the Hades with a small contingent of his Cadre
even before the midnight hour himself. The most important changes were
meanwhile completed, but minor works were still being done.
Now the last of the wing's pilots found their seat in the Hades the briefing
theatre or rather had to stand as it was not built nor equipped to host so
many pilots (representatives not currently on duty from the squadrons not
based on the Hades being present as well) and Marines. The former wing
commander of the 188th, Lt. Colonel "Chaos" Kaiser approached Sirdar. "For
what it's worth, whatever assistance you may need in the days ahead I'm
prepared to offer you whatever support I can give," the departing WC
spoke, leaning towards Sirdar's head.
Richard turned to reply, yet Kaiser did not let him. "No worries, man." He
put it down. Richard nodded, expressing his thanks.
"All right, boys'n gals, welcome once again to Nifelheim and listen up! I'm
going to get right to it. The rumors you guys have probably been hearing
through the grapevine are true -- through Confed recon units that were not a
part of the fleet -- yeah, you see ConFleet is doing something for us, too --
we learned about a second Nephilim fleet."
There was a loud grunting to be heard all over the room. "Guess Confed just
wanted to make sure with that recon that we're definitely write-offs,"
someone shouted.
"Right, and to prove their tactic of holding back the Inner Fleets," someone
else added.
Catharx favored the respective pilots with a long and penetrating look,
enough to silence them as well as the whole room.
"Yes, bad news, I agree," Richard continued. "Probing actions conducted by
those recon forces in Ymir have given Confed and the Combined Fleet the
intelligence to consider a campaign in force against them. All battle groups
and units of the Fleet have been given target allocations. We did some
damned fine work earlier today watching the Yorktown's back, but now CVBG-A
has got a Kraken-class ship killer to take down all by her lonesome -- the
only one detected -- and it's accompanied by a small battle group."
Yet another tumult arose. Though most pilots were unfamiliar with that ship
class -- partly because their Intell GIFs had been sketchy, partly because
that type seemed to be a rare appearance, but mostly simply because they had
not studied their files as they were supposed to do -- its name alone spoke
fearfully for it.
"Shit, who in the fuck is asking for more?" Captain Quintus "Wise Guy" Fabricius Domitianus spoke out, more to himself than anyone else.
"Looks like we're getting only the tough ones," replied Feuerhexe, one of
those gathered who had heard it.
"Hot damn, looks like we're set to be this campaign's real heroes!" 1st
Lieutenant Tom "Line Man" Brimen jumped in.
"Yeah, well you can bet serious credits Vandermann and Schaefer would've
loved that!" Wise Guy chimed in, sarcastic as per his character.
"Hey, folks, calm down and listen closely. Now what I'm going to brief you
on from this point can be pretty much considered tentative... we're not
exactly sure how the enemy is going to come at us, where, or even exactly
when, so the details of this briefing are subject to change come Zero Hour --
your COs and I just figured it would be a good idea to touch base with you
flyboys'n girls and lay the rough game plan out nice and early. We think to
some degree of certainly we've got at least a few hours to prepare based on
the latest long-range scans the Endeavour has kindly FLASHed us -- still,
nothing is certain at this point." Sirdar took a deep, measured breath.
"Now, this Kraken is not too heavily armed from what we know. It has merely
thirteen Maser Turrets. Its main weapon -- and our main problem -- is the one
Ship Killer Plasma Gun it is equipped with. As the intelligence data
gathered by the Midway, on which's data we have to rely in this case, point
out this Plasma gun is capable of destroying a Plunkett-sized cruiser with
just one blast. This is why we cannot engage with our capships as long as
this veritable CSM gun is operational. That, ladies and gentlemen, means
we've got to weaken the ship first by destroying this big fucking gun and
the turrets. As far as we know it does not have any missile launchers. So
the turrets are indeed our only concern."
"Hey, you forgot its battle group," someone shouted from the "Mosquitoes"
"Yeah, what's with its escorts?" a blond woman from the "Steel Gunners"
Kaiser turned around and rose from his seat to see those pilots. He gave
them a stern look. Though he did not knew them and they did not know him, it
worked. They shut up and looked down. Kaiser was satisfied. It always
"To be honest, we don’t know much about its battle group as of yet," Coliver,
who felt he had to make some sort of an apology. Military Intelligence was,
as the old joke said -- a contradiction in terms, but it was no laughing
matter that they had very little hard facts to brief such a dangerous
operation with.
"That is right," Richard spoke again. "As it is why we are sending another
FORCAP sortie by the Dark Broods first, again escorting a wing of SWACS, to
reconnoiter and confirm the Kraken battle group. In fact its FORCAP from now
on until that damn thing is found. See Nav One now on your ICIS. Assuming
the Nephilim will proceed by standard Fleet Operations doctrine, we have no
reason not to believe they don't, the Tigershark squadrons of the Hopes and
Gunners are to lure the escorts away, the presumed and then most likely sent
Orca destroyers fastest to intercept. That will happen at Nav Two. The
Shrak'har's two squadrons, bypassing the escorts, will make a first run on
the fallen-back Kraken to eliminate its turrets."
Richard made a sort pause to let his words sink in. "If our battle plan
isn't screwed up entirely by now, Phase Two kicks in. The Nagato and
to move in and attack the Nephilim escort ships, busy with the Tigersharks.
The Ohlander, Condor, and Shrak'har are to cover.
“Simultaneously the Aztecs will escort the Talons and the Lancers squadrons
in a C-line to deliver their payload to the Kraken. The 'Dakhath' and 'Krahnakh'
squadrons are then to take SEAD duty and if possible take out the bridge's
and engines' shield emitters to allow the bombers a clear run. Primarily
that ship killer gun has to be taken out, all turrets and any other weapon
you may find. The engine has to be disabled, too. That all will meanwhile
happen at Nav Three. The Dark Broods, and the Tigershark squadrons of the
Ohlander, Stasheff and Nagato are to maintain a perimeter and provide BARCAP
for CVBG-A at all times. The Tigersharks and Mosquitoes will be engaged in
other tasks including attacking the Kraken’s escorts. When the Nagato and
Hades enter the fray against the enemy battle group's escort ships -- this
is, however, under the strict discretion that they are not to advance closer
than 75,000 klicks from the Kraken until the successful neutralization of
the Ship Killer Plasma Gun. Same regards for all other CVBG-A capships by
the way."
Richard again made a short pause to make sure that everyone had time to
follow as well as to check their ICIS screens.
"When the Kraken hangs dead in space, the Nagato and Hades will move in to
finish it off. The escort ships should be eliminated by then."
The Wing Commander addressed Lt. Colonel Caviedes, "Lt. Colonel, do you have
anything to add for your Marines...?"
Caviedes made one step forward. "The Hades' 117th TCMC Assault Detachment is
to be on stand-by; full alert status if needed to deal with any Nephilim
boarding parties or if and when a boarding operation of the Kraken is
determined to be necessary."
"Kalahn, any last words?" Richard turned to Catharx.
"Last words? I should think that a fateful way of putting it, but we will
carry out our conquest step by step, taking care that our position remains
secure throughout. But in the end our kaga will pull us through. Victory it
shall be!"
"Okay, pilots, check your ICIS screens for all the mission details. Notice
to await mission greenlight through confirmation of the enemy battle group
by our FORCAP sortie and then the get-goes throughout the campaign from your
respective CO." The WC let a pause hang in the air for a few moments,
letting the missions specifics settle into the pilots' brains again. "Good
luck then, pilots. I know most of us in this room have already been to hell
and back over the past few days -- and this waiting game is basically just
sucking -- but I can tell you this one's going to take all we got, and maybe
even a little bit extra."
The sentiment was true -- the only way out now... was through. There would be
no other way.
Aboard TCS
Stasheff; Ready Room
About the same time
First Lieutenant Ryan "Chief" Clancy looked around the room, tired of
reading the ship’s small newsletter. It was weeks out of date, a result of
this conflict (nobody had been allowed the time to perform the non-essential
tasks when survival meant round-the-clock operations), and so Clancy had
almost memorized all seven pages of the damned thing.
He walked to the small mess area aft, and grabbed a glass of orange juice.
Quickly downing it, he returned to the ready room to try and compose a
letter. His mind drifted, however.
They were so damned close to the end of this conflict. So damned close, one
way or the other. Everybody couldn’t wait for the Stasheff and her squadrons
to be shifted back to a nice, quiet rear area. They’d held the line for
quite a while… let somebody else do it once this was over with.
But only when it was over with. They couldn’t trust anybody else to hold the
line, not after they’d sacrificed so much and had worked so hard to
accomplish that task themselves.
After this, Clancy was hoping to get a transfer to a nice naval air station
in the Alcor System or some other nice, quiet, out-of-the-way place where
nothing ever happened. A promotion would also be nice, or, failing that, a
few medals or ribbons that he could show to his kids… if he survived to have
kids… if he ever chose to have kids, because, in this universe, with the way
things were looking now, having kids might be doing them a greater
disservice than not having them.
The galaxy did indeed seem to be alternating between being an idiotic and
illogical place to live, or a dangerous place to live on the verge of being
destroyed or ripped apart at the seams by some threat. And it always seemed
like the Confederation was at the forefront of the fighting to resolve the
problems. And with it, soldiers or pilots like him, feeling out of place but
doing their damnedest anyhow to protect those who were behind the wall they
formed and supported.
Sometimes Clancy wondered if the galaxy didn’t feed on conflict. Most of the
technological advances in a society were discovered during times of
conflict, because for the most part, Geoffrey Tolwyn had been correct.
Conflict did indeed bring progress and advancement about, through sheer
Not that he agreed with Tolwyn’s methods, but the guy had saved Earth from
the Kilrathi at the lowest point in the Confederation’s war.
And, Clancy remembered with a swelling of pride in his heart, the fleet that
had held the line had been the same one he served in today: The Third Fleet,
tried and true, ready for action, though stripped of many resources,
experienced pilots, and front-line equipment because of the politicians, had
fought off the entirety of the Kilrathi force, most times with less than the
Combined Fleet had to offer.
Ah, irony in all its forms…
“Attention. All pilots report to the ready room at 1830 Hours. Repeat, all
pilots report to the ready room. Stand down the alert-five.” Blared the
loudspeaker suddenly.
“Aw hell…” Clancy muttered, “So much for quiet.”
Over the next twenty minutes, the pilots of the Stasheff filed into their
small ready room. There were, after all, only ten pilots, which was two more
than had been planned for by the designers of this ship. Still, necessity
was indeed the mother of improvisation, and two extra chairs, which tied
into the ICIS systems aboard the ship, had been installed, welded directly
into the bulkhead.
“Attention on deck!” called one of the pilots from the rear of the room.
Lieutenant Commander Donovan Keyes, the newly-appointed CO of the Stasheff,
walked in amidst the pilots jumping to their feet. “As you were, ladies and
gentlemen.” He said, taking position at the forward podium.
Once all of the pilots had been seated, the briefing began. “All right,
pilots. I’ve just finished my briefing with Commodore Murdoch and Kalahn
Catharx. Even as we speak, the Hades pilots and the others in the force are
being briefed on their missions, so I’m going to brief you on yours.”
Keyes took a breath. “I know it’s been tough. I know you’re all still tired,
despite the respite we’ve been given here. But now, ladies and gentlemen, is
the big moment. I need each and every one of you to give it your all… because
if we fail here, everything we’ve fought so hard for and lived through
before this will have been for nothing. This is the line we have to hold. We
beat them here, and it’s over. So I need you to give me your all.”
Looking over the room, Captain David "Ad-lib" Prescott and Captain Whitlam
noticed their pilots’ eyes clearer and sharper than they’d been in a while.
The pilots sat up straighter, looked more determined and confident, and more
aggressive than they had in quite some time.
They’d finally been told that the end was in sight, never mind that the last
hurdle they had to cross was the highest yet. Still… after what had seemed an
eternity, the end was in sight.
As one, Prescott and Whitlam replied, “Yes, sir.”
Keyes looked over the ten assembled pilots, found himself wondering how many
of them would be coming back from this, perhaps the last fight, and felt his
throat close up. He swallowed against it, cleared his throat, and pressed
“Perseus and Viper Squadrons will be providing close-in defense for the
entirety of the task force, once we’ve spotted the opponents. I know it's
not what many of you wanted, but it’s what’s needed, and it’s what we’re
going to be best at after all of the practice we’ve been getting. As soon as
we spot the enemy battle group, all fighters will prepare for launch. At this
point, we know one thing for certain: We’re going to be heading up against a
Kraken-class ship killer. The plan is for the strike group from the Hades, Nagato, and
Shrak’har to lure away the enemy escorts, nullify the Kraken’s
defenses, and then take the bastard’s big gun off line. Once that happens,
Nagato and Hades will close the range and blow the Kraken to pieces.”
Keyes took a breath. “When the call comes to engage, Stasheff will be
providing anti-torpedo and anti-fighter support, as well as anti-capital
ship support, for the Hades and Nagato. When the time comes to close the
range, we’re going to stay right with them. Things are likely to get hectic,
so don’t be surprised if you get ordered away. Your primary mission is to
provide fighter cover for the battle group, not the Stasheff herself. Is that
clear?” Keyes asked.
There was silence as the pilots took in the fact that they would be asked to
treat the ship they called home as just another member of the task force for
the sake of unit cohesion and of the mission. It was a difficult pill to
swallow… but they had no objections.
Keyes nodded. “Very well. Now, I know some of you may have reservations. The
truth is, so do I. Everybody gets scared. I’m scared. I know some of you are
scared. But we can’t let fear control our actions. We’re going to fight. If
not today, then tomorrow. Eventually, we will fight… and we’re going to win,”
he finished.
There was a silence in the room, but there was no longer tension. Instead,
there was an air of confidence, one that spoke volumes about how the pilots
would perform in the upcoming engagement, despite the losses that they’d
taken and the engagements they’d already been in almost continuously.
Finally, one question broke the silence:
“When do we engage the enemy?” called Clancy.
Keyes smiled. “As soon as we find the bastards.”
Smiles broke out on the faces of every pilot in the room. Not happy smiles.
The smiles of raptors preparing to make their kills.
They were ready.
TCS Hades; Operations Planning Center (OPC)
1905 Hours (CST)
They all knew that this was risky, but it was a risk that had to be taken.
The battle was moving too fast and taking far too many unexpected turns for
any one battle group commander to maintain sight of the big picture all the
time. The key battle groups that made up the Combined Fleet needed to work
together if they were to succeed in beating the Nephilim, and the only way
they could do that was by each commander keeping up to date with what the
others were doing. As important as maintaining comm silence was, sharing
information was even more important. That was the reason for this one last
conference before they all plunged back into the fighting. The signals
between the warships were being re-routed through one-use communications
buoys that minimized the chances of the Nephilim triangulating the position
of any of the warships, but even so, the conference would have to be brief.
In addition, the transmissions were encrypted and compressed into irregular
bursts that would look nothing like a coherent message to anyone who didn’t
know the correct codes and frequencies. It wasn’t fool-proof, but it would
Kalahn Catharx, Commodore Murdoch and Lieutenant Commander Coliver
represented Battle Group Auriga from aboard the Hades herself, as additional
ship-to-ship transmissions within the battle group would only have increased
the possibility of detection. Admiral Hanton’s image, along with that of
Captain Que and other senior officers of Battle Group Valkyrie, appeared on a
large viewscreen. The images of Admiral Kennedy and Captain Ramirez of
Battle Group Rapier appeared on another viewscreen, as did that of Commander
Heather Stevens, now the senior surviving officer of the ill-fated TCS Endeavour.
“All right, ladies and gentlemen,” Admiral Hanton began briskly, skipping the
pleasantries. “I wish I could begin by saying just how well the battle is
going, but the simple truth is that it’s still very much in the balance. I’m
sure you’re all aware of the grievous loss the fleet suffered earlier this
afternoon. Commander Stevens, please accept my condolences on the loss of
your shipmates. I realize this won’t be of much consolation right now, but
their sacrifices will undoubtedly help save thousands of others.”
”Thank you, Admiral,” Stevens said quietly.
“Indeed,” Catharx rumbled. “Far better death with claws extended than life
without honor, as my people say.” Murdoch shot the Kilrathi a look, not
quite masking the distaste he felt. Humans saw matters of life and death in
many shades of grey, and the starker views of the Kilrathi could be jarring
at times.
“Quite. Commander, I would appreciate a report on the status of Battle Group
Stevens shook her head. “Near total loss, Admiral. The 'Dev’s little more
than a hulk, and what escorts we had are scattered. The only blessing is
that we had detached 8th cruiser to reinforce the capital ship line, as per
your orders.”
The Admiral nodded. The decision to strip the Endeavour of her most powerful
escorts had been an agonizing one, but the Combined Fleet’s lack of warships
had left her with no other choice. As it turned out, it had been a blessing
in disguise. “How did the Nephilim manage to surprise Aurora in the way they
did? The codes you received should have…”
”What codes, Admiral?” Stevens interrupted in surprise.
Admiral Hanton’s eyes widened briefly, and then narrowed in anger. That
though, was the only sign of both the boiling fury she was feeling. “The
Nephilim communication codes that Velina Sosa’s team broke only a few days
ago. They were shared with Confed Intelligence and were to have been
distributed to every frontline unit in the Third Fleet.”
Stevens shook her head vehemently. “We received no such codes, Admiral. We
couldn’t decipher any of the Nephilim battle communications.”
”That’s impossible. They had to know how vital those codes were…” the
Admiral broke off, thinking furiously. They already knew that there were
individuals, maybe even an organized group, working behind the scenes
against them. They had been partly responsible for the loss of the Valley
Forge, and possibly that of the Bunker Hill as well. Now their efforts might
well have cost the fleet another carrier. Once the Nephilim had been dealt
with, there would be a reckoning, no two ways about it. She quickly turned
and gave orders to one of the officers standing behind her, who nodded and
quickly left the room.
“Listen carefully, all of you. You will each be shortly receiving a data
stream that contains the codes. Disregard any and all previous codes that
you might have received. I wouldn’t put it past someone who wanted to
sabotage our efforts to have sent you codes that are almost accurate. I
promise you all that we’ll find these bastards and make them pay. For now, though, our focus has to be on the Nephilim.”
”To that end, Admiral Kennedy, I have a new mission for Battle Group Rapier.
One, possibly two of the enemy carrier groups may have slipped past our
carriers while we were engaging the other units of their fleet. We still
have our warships screening the approach to Avernus Station, plus the forces
on Avernus itself, but I want those ships found well before then. I want the
Yorktown to find those ships, get an idea of their idea of their movement
and intentions, and then shadow them. Harass them and slow them down if you
can, but don’t put your ship at undue risk. The loss of another carrier now
would finish us.”
”Aye, Admiral,” Kennedy said steadily. He was thinking of his pilots and
crews, already exhausted from their fight with the dreadnought and the
efforts to rescues the crew of the Endeavour. They had given this battle
their all, and they were now being asked to give even more. Slowly but
surely though, they were moving ever close to the end of their long campaign
with each battle.
“Battle Group Valkyrie has the enemy group that we codenamed Epsilon on the
retreat, but we still need to hunt it down and finish it. As soon as we’ve
done that, we’ll be moving into position to support the Yorktown. Our flight
wing isn’t in the best of shape as it is, but if we work together with your
pilots, we will be in good position to cripple and if possible destroy those
”Aye, Admiral.”
“Kalahn Catharx, with the dreadnought destroyed, that Ship Killer is the
single biggest threat to our forces in this system. I need to be able to
bring our warships squadron into the battle but I can’t do that while there
is the risk of them being wiped out en masse by the Kraken’s plasma gun.
Find it and put it out of action.”
”Aside from that, any questions?” The Admiral waited for a few seconds, and
then nodded briskly. “Very well. Good luck and good hunting, all of you.”
TCS Hades; CIC
2300 Hours (CST)
The door hissed open and Murdoch entered the Hades combat information
"... Uploading the coordinates now. I repeat: This places the Kraken only
two nav points away from us. The battle group consists of one Kraken-ship
killer, three Orca-class destroyers and six Barracuda-class corvettes. Yet
readings are still quite poor with all that noise due to the density of
asteroids and because of the countless mining activities in this system.
That makes it hard to rule out the possibility of other capships pulling up
in the Kraken battle group's rear echelons. One reason more Coroner's
Mosquitoes went in for closer examination. What’s more, readings now confirm
alien fighters. 4, 5, 8... numbers increasing fast as we speak, mostly
Stingrays and Squids, closing in fast on our boys."
Murdoch nodded sparsely as he joined the other commanding officers gathered
around the Tri-D holoprojector.
"Did you get visual contact yet?" Colonel Richard was first to speak up.
"Not yet. Major Powell."
"... Got visual confirmation, yes. Albeit briefly before it got too hot...
Damn, get a move on, Windjammer," Major Powell himself cut in.
"Major, did you get anything beyond the Kraken on your scanners?" Murdoch
"Negative, sir," was Powell's response. "Only got visuals of the Kraken and
its mentioned escorts."
"What about a bypass," Murdoch went on.
"That's a negative, too, sir, unless you want us to start the mess here and
now. We're 4 against what … 15 now. We don't stand a chance of living long
enough to tell you anything of worth. Going on afterburners now. Birdseye
[SWACS unit] you get the hell out of there too."
When Murdoch turned around to face the other senior officers again Coliver
could see his eyes and eyebrows both still narrowed. A sure sign that
Murdoch disapproved Powell taking initiative before awaiting commands
approval or even orders.
"So battle is finally at hand," Catharx spoke for the first time since
confirmation of the Kraken group.
"So it seems, and we're not getting the time we thought we had!" Colonel
Richard added thoughtfully with a side view to Coliver, who deliberately
ignored him.
"What's with your flight wing, Colonel?" Murdoch apparently aiming at
something addressed. Richard.
"Weary and too thinly spread out. What worries me most though is that we
don't have any numbers on the fighter carrying capabilities of this Kraken.
And when I read it here, it’s damn big." Colonel Richard looked troubled.
Although the CIC was adjacent to the bridge and the wall to separate both if
wished was open, Murdoch pressed a button opening a direct line, instead of
shouting over the distance.
"Ensign Milfort, how far away is battle group Rapier?" Murdoch looked over
to the female Ensign manning the tactical/DSSS console at the other end of
the bridge.
"About 11 hours, sir. Yet fighters only could be here in about 2 hours!"
Ensign, knowing Murdoch and where he was driving at, offered.
"Kalahn, as CO of Battle Group Auriga, I think it would be best for you to
make that call." Murdoch finally approached Catharx.
A faint rumbling coming from deep within the cat's throat was to force its
way out while Catharx mighty right paw rose to form a fist. Yet it was
released the next moment and the rumbling died out as the Kilrathi found
approval for Murdoch's suggestion in the eyes of the other officers.
"I shall make that call." However, pressing a button, Catharx did the most
important thing first. "Lieutenant St. Germain, call for immediate Magnum